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14 tips to travel safely with your dog

Vous partez en vacances et toute votre famille fait parti du voyage, votre chien y compris ? Pour que ce voyage avec votre chien se déroule de manière sereine et douce pour tout le monde, voici quelqu
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

Are you going on vacation and your whole family is part of the trip, including your dog? For this Travel with your dog takes place in a serene and gentle way for everyone, here are some tips before and during the trip, whether you take the car, the boat, the plane or the train.

Before the trip

1. First of all, you must make sure that the company you are traveling with accepts dogs, especially on planes and boats.

2. Si Your dog is traveling In a transport case, get used to the cash register beforehand to reduce stress during the trip. Also, check that the crate is up to standard, sturdy and big enough for the dog to turn over during the trip.

3. Plan an appointment with your veterinarian in order to prepare for any eventuality, including the management of motion sickness or stress during the trip. If your dog crosses the border, certain vaccines such as rabies are mandatory.

4. Prepare the necessary documents: passport according to your destination, and vaccination card.

5. If you are on a long trip in the car, Get your dog used to it with shorter trips. Take your dog to a place that he likes, so he will associate the car with a pleasant time.

6. Find out about the conditions for accepting dogs in the country to which you are traveling, and in particular about certain things to do before departure, for example taking a dewormer before leaving for England.

7. Don't forget to buy a ticket for your dog! On the train, dogs are considered passengers and must have tickets to be in good standing.

During the trip

8. If you travel by train, consult our dedicated article. 

9. Feeding and hydrating your dog during the trip is essential, but this can become a problem depending on the mode of transport. On a plane, find out if the dog can have water during the trip, or if it is available during stopovers for example. By car or by train it is easier but do not forget!

10. In the car, do not hesitate to stop regularly to allow your dog to stretch his paws and get some fresh air.

11. Open the windows during the trip to ventilate and re-oxygenate the space.

12. Reassure your dog, talk to him, caress him, he will feel more confident and less stressed.

13. Never leave your pet alone in the car or on the train.

14. Remember to reward your dog, good behavior deserves a reward.

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