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5 “Dog-Friendly” cities

Il y a des villes plus accueillantes que d’autres pour les chiens. C’est ce qu’on appelle plus communément des villes « dog-friendly », et cela peut paraître subjectif, mais certaines villes en font p
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

Some cities are more dog-friendly than others. This is what we more commonly call “dog-friendly cities ”, and it may seem subjective, but some cities do more than others to integrate our dog friends into our urban daily lives. But how do you know if one city is more dog-friendly than another? By analyzing what is put in place by the city to improve the daily lives of dogs through installations, behavior, etc. Here are: 5 “dog-friendly” cities in France and elsewhere.


Ideal city for dogs and their owners, Bordeaux has a lot of advantages. All public transport allows dogs on a leash and many hotels welcome your dogs with pleasure. Stroll along the banks of the quays whether on the left bank or on the right bank, Bordeaux welcomes you and your 4-legged friend with open arms.


True Paradise for dogs, Toulouse has many dog parks. Around thirty canisites are offered to dogs and their owners. Perfect for letting off steam and enjoying the outdoors, dog parks allow dogs to enjoy nature in a safe place, and specially created for them.


A large and particularly green city, Lyon has a lot of advantages for dogs and offers many possibilities for outings. The Parc de la Tête d'Or is the best known, but there are plenty of places for you. Take a walk with your dog in Lyon or outside. Many dogsitters also offer their services in Lyon, ideal when your dog is locked up for too long! Do not hesitate to practice cani-cross courses, which are numerous around Lyon.


If you are lucky enough to put your bags in Avignon, there is an essential place for your dog: the Chico Mendes Park. No less than 2000m2 are dedicated to your dog. An ideal place to let off steam and frolic, the Cani'Parc also allows you to practice on an agility sports course.

Be careful, however, other parks do not accept dogs, even when kept on a leash.


It is not only in France that there are Dogfriendly cities, Berlin is proof of this. Germany is well known for being a dog-friendly country. Berlin in particular with many places dedicated to our 4-legged friends.

Many parks are at your disposal, public transport welcomes your dogs with! The perfect opportunity to discover the German capital.

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