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6 reasons to adopt a shelter dog

Beaucoup de personnes sont réticents à l’idée d’adopter un chien de refuge pour de nombreuses raisons. Le chien peut être agressif, peureux, avoir subi de mauvais traitements ou ce n’est pas un chien
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

A lot of people are reticent to the idea ofAdopting a shelter dog for a lot of reasons. The dog may be aggressive, fearful, have been abused, or it is not a purebred dog. But many of these assumptions are false, you can definitely find a purebred dog in a shelter. Here are 6 reasons toAdopting a shelter dog.

1. Save his life

In many shelters, places are expensive because they are too few and many of these places are sometimes forced to use euthanasia because they do not have enough resources. Adopt a Shelter dog save this dog's life.

2. Giving love and a second chance to the dog

Even if volunteers do what they can, it is difficult to give a lot of love and time to all shelter dogs and therefore to take care of them as a dog deserves. Adopting a shelter dog is giving him the assurance that he will be loved and cherished in a family.

3. You adopt a healthy dog

Contrary to what one might think, the shelter dogs are treated, sterilized, dewormed and up to date with their vaccines. You therefore have the assurance of having a healthy dog that has already been seen by a veterinarian. So no unpleasant surprises!

4. You are not funding animal trafficking

Some puppies imported illegally into France. Let's remember that animal trafficking is very dangerous and very present in Europe. Many of the animals resulting from these trafficking are abused and not well regarded. By adopting a shelter dog, you are not condoning animal trafficking.

5. You allow the shelter to welcome a new dog

Adopting a shelter dog will allow the shelter to benefit from a new place and to welcome a new dog. This will allow the dog to be fed, cared for and, with luck, adopted by a new family. It's also a life saved.

6. You adopt a dog that is already trained

Contrary to popular belief, many shelter dogs behave in a completely normal way because they have already lived in a family. The majority of them are clean and have received a foundation in education. In addition, if the dog shows abnormal behavior, some shelters use behavioral educators or veterinary therapists to remedy the dog's behavior disorder.

Do not hesitate any longer and give priority toAdopting a shelter dog, you contribute to the well-being of a dog!

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