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Working with Dogs: 10 Careers for Animal Lovers

Working with dogs is the dream of many animal lovers. From dog training to grooming, there are plenty of opportunities for those who want to devote themselves to the health, well-being, and protection of dogs. Discover 10 jobs related to dogs!
Team Jagger.Lewis
Date of publication
April 11, 2023

Working with dogs is the dream of many animal lovers. From dog training to grooming, there are plenty of opportunities for those who want to devote themselves to the health, well-being, and protection of dogs. Discover 10 jobs related to dogs!

Dog trainer and dog behaviorist

The dog trainer works with dogs and their owners to improve communication and animal behavior. Training to become a dog trainer varies, from practical internships to professional certifications. Opportunities include working as an independent trainer, at a dog training center or an animal welfare association.

The canine behaviorist assesses and treats behavior problems in dogs. Training in ethology, animal psychology or canine behavior is generally required to practice this profession. Opportunities include working as an independent behaviorist, for a shelter or a veterinary clinic.


The job of dog sitter, or dog sitter, is a profession in full expansion. More and more dog owners need someone they can trust to take care of their pets while they are away. There are trainings and degrees that can help professionalize in this field that include certifications in pet first aid, dog behavior, and animal care. It is possible to become a dog sitter by working for a pet sitting company or by starting your own dog sitting business.

Dog groomer

The dog groomer takes care of the hygiene and appearance of dogs by performing cuts, baths, and grooming treatments. Professional training in dog grooming is generally required to practice this profession. Job opportunities include working as a freelance groomer, in a grooming salon, pet store, or dog hotel.

The veterinarian and the veterinary assistant

Veterinarians can practice teaching related to animal health in various fields, such as veterinary clinics and hospitals.

The vet assistant helps vets with the medical care of animals, including dogs. Veterinary assistance training, often offered by specialized schools, is required.

Animal agent in a shelter

The animal agent in dog shelters plays an essential role in the well-being and protection of abandoned or abused animals. This job requires a great passion for dogs, patience, empathy and a solid knowledge of canine needs and behaviors. The tasks are varied: maintenance and cleaning of animal living areas, care, exercises and socialization, management of adoptions and evaluation of behavior.

Cynophilic agent

The dog agent works with specially trained dogs for detection, protection, or research. Training varies according to the field of expertise (drug detection, explosives, search for missing persons, etc.) and often include internships with specialized organizations. Opportunities include working for law enforcement, private security services, customs, or search and rescue units.

Canine osteopath

The canine osteopath aims to restore the balance and harmony of the animal body by treating musculoskeletal imbalances, joint dysfunctions and tissue tensions. This practitioner works closely with animal owners, veterinarians, and other animal health professionals. Dog osteopaths can help with a variety of health conditions, such as chronic pain, mobility disorders, rehabilitation after injury or surgery, and contribute to the prevention of future problems. To exercise this profession, it is necessary to follow a specific training course in animal osteopathy and to obtain a certification recognized by a competent professional organization. Everything you need to know about canine osteopathy.


The dog breeder is responsible for the selection and breeding of dogs, with the aim of producing quality and healthy puppies. He should pay attention to breed criteria, such as body, temperament, and functional abilities, while ensuring that genetic diversity is maintained and hereditary health problems are minimized.

Movie and TV dog trainer

This trainer prepares and trains dogs to perform specific performances for audiovisual productions, such as movies, television series or advertisements.

Rescue dog handler and guide dog trainer

This professional works with a dog specially trained to participate in search and rescue operations, for example during natural disasters or accidents. This professional trains and educates guide dogs for people who are visually impaired or blind, teaching them the skills they need to guide and assist them on a daily basis.

Careers related to dogs offer exciting opportunities for animal lovers who want to devote their careers to the well-being, health and protection of dogs. Each of these jobs requires specific skills and training, but all of them aim to improve the lives of dogs and their owners.

By choosing a career related to dogs, you can help strengthen the bonds between humans and animals, while working in a field that you love.

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