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Call on a dog trainer

L’éducation d’un chiot et/ou d’un chien est essentielle pour son bon développement. Pour beaucoup de maître, l’éducation se fait à la maison et sans aide extérieure. Mais il existe des professionnels
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

The education of a puppy and/or a dog is essential for its good development. For many teachers, education takes place at home and without outside help. But there are professionals like a dog trainer that can help you in the process of training your dog, even if taking the plunge is not always easy!

Why use a dog trainer?

The dog trainer is there to allow you to have the keys and the bases for learning and educating puppies and adult dogs.

Through various exercises that take place either in a training center or directly at the dog's home, or even outside, The dog trainer allows you to acquire the basics and to avoid educational mistakes. The trainer shows you the right actions, answers your questions and gives you the basics of dog education.

How do I choose my dog trainer?

A good dog trainer must be patient and attentive to both the dog and the owner. The master and dog duo is essential. It is therefore essential for the dog trainer to listen to this duo. The dog trainer must have a taste for pedagogy and communication in order to transmit the right messages. Before engaging with a dog trainer, check the training methods carefully and especially that they are not violent or exclusively based on punishment, such as an educator who advises you to use a choke collar to teach your dog to stay on his feet. Do not hesitate to go to the dog club to see their methods or to contact the trainer to check that his methods are positive.

The pros and cons

Hiring a dog trainer has a number of benefits. It allows you to calmly welcome a first dog, a puppy or to facilitate the reception of a new dog when another one is already present.

Thanks to the trainer you learn to understand how your dog communicates, and to put in place the necessary bases for well-being of of your dog and to his education. You can also ask all your questions and talk to a professional in the dog world.

However, there are a few drawbacks to call on a dog trainer : It requires time. The presence and involvement of the teacher is essential during learning, so you must devote time to it for it to be effective. An educator also has a cost, it is an element that should not be overlooked. Choosing an educator is not always easy and you may not be able to find the right fit, and that can take time. But working with a good educator will allow you to put all the odds on your side in the relationship with your animal.

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