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A dog that wags its tail is not necessarily happy!

Since the dawn of time, humans have been convinced that a dog that wags its tail expresses joy. However, this attitude can have many meanings and it is necessary to be able to analyze it precisely in order to know what your dog is trying to tell you. A dog's tail is an important communication tool that can express a variety of emotions and intentions.
Team Jagger.Lewis
Date of publication
March 24, 2023
Since the dawn of time, humans have been convinced that a dog that wags its tail expresses joy. However, this attitude can have many meanings and it is necessary to be able to analyze it precisely in order to know what your dog is trying to tell you. A dog's tail is an important communication tool that can express a variety of emotions and intentions.
Here are some messages that your dog can communicate using his tail:
  • Relaxation and contentment

    When a dog's tail is in its natural position and swings gently from side to side, it's usually an indication that the dog is relaxed and content.

  • Excitement and joy

    If your dog's tail wags quickly and vigorously from side to side, it's often an indication that he's excited and happy. This can happen when he sees you, when he is playing, or when he is around other dogs.

  • Anxiety

    A tail that is lowered or placed between the back legs usually indicates a stressful situation. This may mean that your dog is feeling nervous or trying to ease a potentially anxiety-provoking situation.

  • Questioning

    Your tail is loose, agitates slowly, slaps the ground, your dog stares at you: he is showing you his incomprehension, he does not understand what you are trying to say to him.

  • Agitation and aggressiveness

    If your dog's tail is erect and stiff, and he keeps it in a horizontal or slightly raised position, this may indicate that he is agitated and potentially aggressive. Be careful and try to understand the source of her turmoil.

It is important to note that communication through the tail varies from race to race and from individual to individual.
For example, some breeds naturally have curled or short tails, which can make it more difficult to interpret their signals.

To fully understand your dog's messages, it's essential to also observe their overall body language, facial expressions, and vocalizations.

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