Unknown in the canine world but present, doping is very bad and is certainly not recommended. Whether for humans or for dogs, strength training must be done naturally. Dangerous and useless, the Doping in dogs can only harm your animal.
Does doping exist in dogs?
The Doping is present in the canine universe especially when it comes to competition. Canine doping started in sled dogs and spread among greyhounds and during agility events. Less well known than doping in humans, the canine doping is still present but is absolutely not tolerated.
Is it forbidden for dogs?
It is totally forbidden to Dope your dog, and veterinarians are present at major competitions to fight against doping. The anti-doping federation fights against the use of doping product for dogs and the penalties can be serious, ranging from simple suspension to the outright expulsion of the owner and his dog.
The dangers of doping
The canine doping is forbidden because it is a use considered to be cheating but it is also dangerous for the dog. Each product will have different effects but some come back often. Doping can lead to infections and septicemia if the product is improperly injected. The dog can develop extraordinary muscles which will eventually lead to cardiac complications. In the short term, the dog may no longer feel anything, especially feelings of hunger and thirst, and become dehydrated.