Some dogs live more or less well being alone at home and also manage their stress more or less well in this situation, but no dog enjoys solitude. Here are our tips to best appease Médor during your absences.
Independence is an important quality for dogs because it allows them to manage stress and anxiety when separated from their families. A dog that knows how to stay alone will be more relaxed and balanced when you are away.
Preparing the environment
Before starting training, it is essential to prepare the environment where your dog will spend time alone. Create a safe and comfortable space for your dog by providing a cozy bed, toys, fresh water, and possibly soft music in the background to help them relax.
Train your dog gradually
To teach your dog to be alone, proceed in stages and gradually increase the length of your absence. For example, start by walking away from your dog for a few seconds, then come back and reward him with caresses or treats if he has stayed calm. Increase the length of your absence gradually and continue to reinforce the desired behavior positively.
Use interactive toys to keep your dog busy
Interactive toys, like treat dispensers or dog puzzles, are great ways to keep your dog interested and help them manage stress when they're alone. By filling these toys with mouth-watering treats, you encourage your dog to focus on positive and stimulating activity, which reduces separation anxiety.
Practice desensitization exercises
Desensitization involves gradually exposing your dog to stimuli that can cause anxiety, so that he can learn to tolerate them. For example, if your dog reacts to the sight of your keys or to the sound of the door, practice desensitization exercises by manipulating the keys or by opening and closing the door without leaving the room. Reward your dog for being calm and cooperative during these exercises.
Manage arrivals and departures
We often tend to be as hysterical as our dog when we come home. Serious mistake... By expressing your joy like him, you are comforting your dog in the idea that this separation was indeed dramatic and that, thankfully, it is finally over. When you arrive, instead, make your little life seem like nothing until your dog calms down. As soon as this is the case, you can give him that famous caress that you are so itchy.
Conversely, you can reassure him before leaving, there is no point in ignoring him to comfort him in his stress. However, try not to communicate your concern to him.
Do not punish unwanted behavior
If your dog shows unwanted behaviors when he is alone, such as barking or destroying objects, don't punish him. Instead, focus on ways to reinforce positive behaviors, such as staying calm and being entertained with toys.
Help him reduce his stress
No, your dog did not eat your slippers or the foot of the chair out of revenge. Chewing is only a way to let off steam when you are facing a lot of stress. To prevent this from happening: leave him things to chew on - deer antlers are the healthiest!
Organize the simplest treasure hunt: hide sweets in several places in the house or garden, if he has access as well. You will keep him busy while stimulating his mind!
Combine your absences with a pleasant moment
For example, give him his favorite toy when he leaves, you know the one that really makes an unbearable noise and that annoys you as much as it makes him happy...
Finally, be patient and tolerant, it takes time for your companion to calm down!
If your dog continues to show signs of separation anxiety despite your best efforts, it may be helpful to see a professional. He will be able to provide advice tailored to your situation and help you resolve your dog's behavior problems.
Thanks to your Jagger & Lewis application, you will soon be able to ensure the well-being of your dog in your absence.