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The dog accessories that are the subject of controversy

The majority of dog accessories are developed in such a way that the dog grows and lives in a pleasant and intelligent way. On the other hand, some canine accessories do not fit in
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

The majority of dog accessories are developed in such a way that the dog grows and lives in a pleasant and intelligent way. On the other hand, some canine accessories do not go in this direction and are often not recommended in dog training. Jagger & Lewis offers you a decryption of these Controversial accessories and their alternatives.

The strangler necklace

Very poorly known, The choke necklace is really not recommended as dog accessory. Generally used on dogs that are complicated to control, the choke collar does not bring anything good to your dog. The purpose of the choke collar is, as the name suggests, to strangle the dog when it pulls too much on the leash. This system is used to “train” the dog and make him understand that he should not pull on the leash and walk next to his owner. But The choke necklace is really not the right solution, on the contrary, it has real negative effects on the dog. Also, a lot of people put the necklace in the wrong direction. Major cervical and vertebral problems, superficial or deeper wounds may appear with the use of the choke collar. The dog will eventually overcome the pain to pull on the collar again, so the problem will not be solved.

The electric necklace

The principle of electric collar is simple, it allows the owner to send electric shocks to when his animal behavior does not satisfy the owner. The aim is therefore to make the dog understand that he did not have the right behavior through pain. But the animal's behaviors can resume as soon as it no longer has the collar, and often the cause of the problem is not resolved, as for example in the case of a dog barking in the absence of the owner. With The electric collar, the dog no longer barks, but your animal is still in pain. In addition, the electric collar often causes burns and injuries. There are numerous methods that can improve the behavior and well-being of the animal without putting it at risk.

Their alternatives

There are plenty of alternatives to these controversial objects, including alternatives that are much gentler and effective.

  • The Animalin harness: Ce education harnesses has the particularity of presenting a fastener on the front of the animal. If the dog pulls, it will therefore find itself out of balance. This harness therefore allows you to better control the dog without hurting it. It can be used on all types of sizes and breeds. Combined with a positive education, the dog will quickly learn to stop pulling.
  • The Halti Halter: This necklace consists of a strap that goes around your animal's snout. As soon as the dog pulls on the leash, the halter closes its jaws, encouraging your animal to return to your feet. If it is the owner who pulls on the leash, the animal turns its head and is therefore more attentive to its owner. It allows the dog and the owner to learn together to listen and understand each other, especially when walking.
  • The lemongrass necklace: Your dog doesn't really like lemongrass. And especially the surprise of the spray when he barks. Much less violent than electric shocks, the dog is surprised by the small jet of lemongrass, and stops barking. And above all, lemongrass is absolutely not dangerous for your dog's health, so it can be used intelligently and educationally.

Finally, never forget that bad behavior is often behavior that your animal has not learned. Do not hesitate to get help from a professional working with positive methods to teach your dog the rules that you think are important.

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