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Tips for traveling with my dog in the car

Vacations are often the best time of the year, although some precautions must be taken when you want to travel safely, especially with your dog. Here are some tips
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

Vacations are often the best time of the year, although some precautions must be taken when you want to travel safely, especially with your dog. Here are some tips for Travelling with your dog in the car in complete peace of mind for you as well as for him!

What are the legal rules?

In terms of legality, the Highway Code does not explicitly talk about dogs in cars; on the other hand, it does speak of “passenger”. Dogs are passageways like any other and there are certain rules that must be respected or you may be fined. The dog must be fastened, as any passenger in the car must wear a seat belt. Your dog should not be in motion, as this can interfere with the driver's driving and cause an accident more easily. The aim is for each passenger to feel at ease and that the Travelling by car with your dogis going well.

What can I do to improve my dog's comfort?

The well-being of your dog also depends on the various trips he will make, and the car can sometimes prove to be the most used transport, and especially on a regular basis. Here are some tips to make your dog more comfortable when traveling in the car. First of all, avoid putting it in a closed trunk, i.e. a trunk with the rear shelf. This may increase your dog's stress and create a feeling of suffocation. Also, do not use the car exclusively for vet visits or long trips, as this could increase the stress of your pet who would associate the car with unpleasant moments.

Are there any precautions to take before departure?

For the car trip with your The dog is doing at its best, it is important to prepare it in advance. For this, it is particularly advisable to avoid giving food to your dog two or three hours before the trip in order to prevent him from vomiting. Also plan a short stroll beforehand so that your dog can work out. If you're traveling for a long time, take a break every two hours in a secure area so your pet can stretch their paws, drink, and defecate. Never leave your pet locked in the car while you are away. And plan a long walk upon arrival so that your dog can also discover the place of your vacation.

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