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Top 5 things not to feed your dog at Christmas... and their alternatives!

Ca y est, ce week-end c’est enfin Noël ! Et qui dit Noël dit famille, amis, sapin décoré, cadeaux et…excès ! Que ce soient des excès de nourriture ou de boisson, il est toujours compliqué d’échapper a
Alexandre Delille
Date of publication
June 19, 2017

That's it, this weekend it's finally Christmas! And who says Christmas says family, friends, decorated trees, gifts and... excess! Whether it's an excess of food or drink, it is always complicated to escape the temptations that surround us at this time... However, you must be careful that your dog is not too tempted too much too!

Because while it is normal to give them sweets and other gourmet rewards during this festive period, some foods can be very bad for their health.

To do this, we have prepared a practical A4 poster that you can display on your fridge: it points out 5 foods that should not be fed to your dog, and 5 alternatives that they will love instead! We've come in three colors and left a blank space so you can personalize it with your dog's name.

To download your poster and make sure your dog has the best Christmas possible, enter your email address below, you will receive the lists directly in your box:

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